Five years has flown by, and while so much has changed in this time, so much remains the same.
We were very fortunate to enjoy the coming together of two long-established accounting and advisory firms, and it proved to be a seamless transition. This is a huge credit to all our staff, who took the challenge head on along with the new colleagues, with enthusiasm and vigour. We have benefited from the true synergies of the 1 + 1 = 3 principal, with all staff being open to new ideas and methods.
The key reason that the merge worked so well was that both firms were aligned on the “why” we are here. At SaabTeece we focus on our clients and do whatever we can to assist our clients achieve their goals.
We feel extremely fortunate to work with clients who are engaged with what they are doing, and what we are trying to do for and with them.
With four generations in some families, and numerous 40 and 50 + year clients, we are steeped in history. And we have many clientele with big ideas and plans, taking big strides to make it happen.
This is our foundation. On this foundation we keenly utilise technology to benefit our firm and our clients.
This mix is exciting for us and provides a mix of work to keep us getting up for work every day.
We take on staff who are “lifelong learners”. Some of whom are very long-standing, some of whom have only known the SaabTeece world. Young and not-so-young know that there is much to learn from the different perspectives that each of us bring. This is from both an experience point of view, and also the fact that we have in our office, what I refer to as, the “United Nations”: people with backgrounds from across the globe. The points of view that we get from these differences enrich each other and enhance the advice that we are able to offer our clients.
Our staff also know that they have a significant opportunity to learn every day from all of our clients, our interactions with them, and the different perspectives they provide.
Five years ago we merged. We appreciate our staff, and we thank you, our clients, for the opportunity to continue to work with you. We hope that our staff understand how much George and I care for them, and that this care is passed onto our clients.
Your success is our success. If we have aided your success in any small way, then we are achieving our vision.
Kind Regards,
Andy Teece
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