Click the link below to go to the individual guide:
The ATO Guide to Super Contributions |
The Guide to Testamentary Trusts |
The Guide to Protecting Family Wealth
A compendium of ATO publishings on superannuation contributions:
A testamentary trust (“TT”) is commonly used by estate planning lawyers to protect the assets and inheritance of the testator’s beneficiaries from creditors, family law actions and, at the same time, provide flexibility in relation to the distribution of the estate. In essence, a testamentary trust, or multiple testamentary trusts, is a trust that arises from the estate of the deceased and its terms are contained in the Will.
There are other testamentary trusts that may arise on the death of a member of a superannuation fund and in relation to the death of a person with a life insurance policy. If you have super or a life insurance policy, please let us know so we can determine the best solution having regard for your needs and wishes.
Building Family Wealth takes time. But how easily can it be torn down in expensive litigation, legal challenges and regulatory or economic threat? It is not unheard of for a $1M deceased person’s estate to be challenged and when that happens, expect upward of $200,000 in legal fees and years of litigation.
The bigger the estate, the larger the fees. Anyone with a business or profession from a doctor, advising patients to a property developer with their latest project to a hairdresser, who may have spread Covid to clients, may be exposed to lengthy and costly lawsuits. This does not have to happen!
These guides have been written and approved by Abbott & Mourly lawyers and obtained by SaabTeece through legal document provider LightYear Docs. SaabTeece cannot give qualified legal advice relating to the documents or strategies mentioned in these guides. In such circumstances, SaabTeece can contact Abbott & Mourly for legal advice relating to these documents, or should they require a deed of variation and or other General, Estate Planning, Commercial, SMSF and Tax Advice via Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate legal professionals or licensed attorneys. We do not provide any kind of legal advice. The use or reliance of any information contained in this guide is solely at your own risk.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
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