At SaabTeece, we have recently changed our Client Portal provider.
If you have previously accessed our client portal through SuiteFiles connect (old portal), you can continue to login and access any existing documents. However, we kindly ask that you no longer upload any new documents.
Kindly note, we will no longer upload any new documents to the SuiteFiles connect (old portal). All access to the SuiteFiles Connect (old portal) will be discontinued in February 2024. Unfortunately, any documents contained with the Old Client Portal, will not automatically be transferred to the New Client Portal.
Our New Client Portal is supported by Microsoft’s SharePoint. To ensure the security of your documents and correspondence, the email address that you use to login must match the email address SaabTeece has as the primary contact for you and/or your entities. We recommend you use the same email address across all entities so you can access all documents with one login.
You can login to our New Client Portal here.
Or you can login by navigating to our website and clicking the "NEW Client Portal" button.
Please click here for step-by-step instructions on how to login and navigate the New Client Portal. This includes instructions on how to upload documents.
We are in the process of providing all clients with access to the New Client Portal. Initally, only the primary contact will have access. If you attempt to login and get an error message saying “We couldn’t find an account with the username” (see image below), please contact us so we can prioritise setting up your access.
Please let us know if there are any entities or specific documents missing so we can rectify this.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition.
As always, do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
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