The NSW Government has announced the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund which provides grants of up to $3,000 per month for each commercial premises where a landlord is experiencing financial hardship as a result of reducing the rent for their tenant(s) under the Retail and Other Commercial Leases (COVID-19) Regulation 2021 (the Regulation).
The regulation also provides:
Under the leasing principles, landlords must reduce rent in proportion to the tenant’s decline in turnover. This means if a tenant has experienced a 40 per cent decline in turnover due to COVID-19, then the landlord must provide a 40 per cent reduction in rent.
As a default position, at least 50 per cent of any rent reduction must be in the form of a rent waiver with the remainder a rent deferral. Any deferred rent must be paid back over the balance of the lease term or for a period of not less than 24 months, whichever is greater.
A deferral or delayed rent payment is not rent relief for the purposes of this grant. A rent waiver or non-payment of rent from 13 July 2021 must be agreed.
Before applying to the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund, landlords must complete the following process under the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme:
Reach an agreement through either mediation or private negotiation with impacted tenants, that complies with the Retail and Other Commercial Leases (COVID-19) Regulation 2021.
Obtain tenant’s approval to disclose terms of agreement for the purpose of applying for the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund grant.
Show evidence that the agreed amount has been applied to the month for which the grant is being claimed.
Landlords may then apply for a grant of up to $3,000 per month per eligible property in proportion to their ownership share subject to:
Applications are expected to open by the end of October 2021 through your Service NSW login.
To be eligible for a grant under the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund, applicants must:
More information please click here.
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