You may have noticed some prompts within Xero Payroll referring to moving STP Phase 2. The transition must be completed by 31 March 2023.
Late last year, we hosted a webinar on STP Phase 2.
You can view our follow up email here.
Please click here to view the recording.
Please download a copy of the slides here.
Please download our fact sheet here.
There is not much time to get everything in order for STP Phase 2.
If you will handle or have already moved to STP Phase 2 - could you please let us know.
Alternatively, you may like SaabTeece to assist you with moving to STP Phase 2.
If so, please complete this short form so SaabTeece can send you an engagement letter outlining the scope of work and associated fee.
If you have more than one business with employees, please complete a separate form for each business.
If you could please respond by Friday 17th February, we will be in touch by the end of the month detailing the next steps.
Please note that if you fail to comply by 31 March the penalty for late or missed reporting is $210 days for every 28 days your report is overdue to a maximum of $1,050 for small businesses, $2,100 for medium entities, $5,250 for large entities and $525,000 for global entities.
As always, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
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