We would like to assist you in identifying if you have any Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) obligations. Whilst your business may not be registered for FBT, it is very important that you actively determine whether or not you have incurred a FBT liability during the FBT year.
For more information on what a Fringe Benefit and FBT are, please click here.
If you are registered for FBT, the return is due for lodgement and payment by 25 June 2022.
The FBT year ended on 31 March 2022 and is an area of focus for the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
Please complete our questionnaire here.
If you answer ‘no’ to all the questions, there is no further action for you to take. We will keep a copy of your questionnaire on file for our records.
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions, we will be in contact with the next steps.
We have outlined the key issues for employers this FBT year in this article: FBT 2022: What you need to know
As always, do not hesitate to contact us.
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